Thursday, December 14, 2017

8th Grade
Color Theory Abstract

Day 1-2: You will need a large square piece of paper, with two lines dividing the square in half vertically and horizontally to make four equal quadrants.
You will also need a smaller square the size of one of the quadrants.
On the smaller square, draw a design consisting of shapes, lines, simple objects. *The key is to not over complicate the design because you will be painting each part in different shades of color.

Day 3-5 : The next step is to transfer your design into each of the four squares on your larger piece of paper. If you don't have a light box to use, you can do this by taping your small square onto a light filled window, and holding your larger paper over the design so you can trace it onto your piece. Once the whole paper is filled, you're ready to start painting.

Day 6-10: The first square will contain a monochromatic color scheme, which means one color. Pick a single color to work with [I chose blue], and make tints by adding white, or shades by adding black. Paint each of your shapes in a variety of tints and shades. The other squares will be monochromatic, just with different colors. NOTE: This example does not show just monochromatic colors, but we will be using only 1 range of one color per box.


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